Critical Issues in Governance and Global Human Well-Being

Course Number
IMPA 601 001
Course Code
Course Key
Course Description
Nothing begins without individuals, but nothing lasts without institutions. That famous old saying is supported by findings from the latest and best historical studies and empirical research relevant to explaining advances in human well- & being and promoting effective individual and institutional approaches to public problem-solving and leading to improve human well-being.This course has four parts. Part one lays the conceptual and pedagogical framework for the entire I-MPA curriculum.  Part two focuses mainly on governance bodies (which includes, but is not limited to, government institutions) and competing approaches to constitutional architecture, public administration, program development, and performance measurement. Part three highlights the dozens of decision-forcing and problem-solving case studies that are utilized throughout the curriculum, including several (e.g., global food security) that are utilized in each and every course.  Part four spotlights and explores six global leadership challenges—the “6 E’s”: Energy with a focus on India; Elder care with a focus on China; Economic development with a focus on Latin America; Environmental protection with a focus on the United States; Education with a focus on Africa; and Epidemics broadly conceived to include public health pandemics, nuclear proliferation, mass violence, and other threats to human well-being.