MAPP 2023-2024 Announcement

MAPP 2023-2024 Announcement

From our program director, Dr. James Pawelski:

The Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program offers a world class education in positive psychology. Responding to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the MAPP program shifted to an all-online format in 2020. 

We are delighted that we have now been cleared to return to holding in-person classes! Beginning in 2023-2024, for both the fall and spring semesters, MAPP will hold three on-sites (OS1, OS3, and OS5) in-person on Penn’s Philadelphia campus, and two on-sites (OS2 and OS4) on our virtual campus in our Zoom classroom. You can view on-site dates and their delivery format for more details. Distance learning periods continue to be entirely virtual (and mostly asynchronous). 

This delivery format allows us to leverage the strengths of both online and in-person delivery.

We remain committed to delivering cutting-edge, world-class education in positive psychology research and application that is tailored to this unique moment in history. We seek students who feel called to MAPP at this particular time—students who are inspired rather than daunted by the challenges in our world and who see positive psychology research and practice as mission-critical to the roles they currently play and to the expanded roles they will take on to help create a better world.

Application deadline

MAPP admits students for fall terms only. The application deadline is March 1 of the year in which you intend to enroll.

Courses and curriculum

History, theory, research, and professional application—completed in one year of full-time study.