
Course Number
GAFL 710 001
Course Code
Course Key
Course Note
This course has seats reserved for Fels' students and gives priority to grad students.
Course Description
To influence public policy you need analytical skills to discover optimal solutions to problems, and good negotiation skills to tailor implementable solutions that address the needs and priorities of multiple stakeholders. What resources you want to invest, whom you engage in discussions, and what you expect to receive in return are open to explicit and implicit negotiations.  This course will provide a working understanding of key negotiations concepts, including: Strategic elements of negotiations – interests, goals, positions, rights, power, value creation, high stakes, disputes; Preparation for and the details of negotiation processes; Ethical encounters and conundrums; Leveraging your strengths / understanding your negotiating personality. You will learn cooperative and competitive strategies, have a solid grasp of the decision-making science of negotiation, and better understand cognitive processes and emotional dynamics that affect the ways people negotiate. 

Fall 2021: This is a hybrid class. It will meet Mondays via Zoom from 7pm-8:30pm, and Fridays once a month from 9:30-5:30 (9/10, 10/8, 11/12, and 12/10)