Robert Reich

DuPont, Manager of Global Environmental Stewardship

Robert Reich is the Manager of Global Environmental Stewardship for DuPont and a DuPont Engineering Fellow. He has been with DuPont for over 38 years. In his current role Robert is responsible for driving strategies within DuPont businesses to reduce operational environmental footprint, such as energy, greenhouse gases, air carcinogens and water consumption; to track and report on these reductions; and to manage the company’s environmental regulatory compliance guidance system. Robert serves on environmental advisory boards for the World Resources Institute, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the American Chemistry Council. He has served as a member of the American National Standards Institute Greenhouse Gas Verification Accreditation Committee; as a Board Member for the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF); as a Research Council Leader for WERF; and has testified before a US Senate Subcommittee on the toxic chemicals provisions of the Clean Water Act.

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Student & alumni stories

"The dual degree program pushed me to ask more questions about how the environment plays a role in health outcomes.”
- Akudo Ejelonu, MPH ’17/MES ’18/MA '19

Photo of Marina Battle Rullo (MES ’23)

MES in the Community

A building doesn’t exist in a bubble, says Marina Battle Rullo (MES ’23); as a sustainability consultant for an architecture firm, she can weigh in on energy, water, and community impacts that add up over time.